Personal Request from the Founder
Dear Friends:
My name is Allyson Scerri. I am writing to ask for your support for a not-for-profit whose main goal is to develop resources for survivors of traumatic brain injury (T.B.I.). Our organization will be called New Beginnings.
The reason I am asking your help is because like millions of other Americans, my family has been touched by T.B.I. As many of you know, my father, Al Barone, friend to many, was injured due to a motorcycle accident on February 7th, 2007. His recovery has been nothing short of a miracle. The information I obtained from watching and participating in my father’s rehabilitation sparked a passion to help others struggling through similar devastating situations.
One thing I realized through my experience is that in order for rehabilitation from a brain injury to be successful numerous resources are needed. Sadly, these resources are often unavailable for survivors and their families. The mission of New Beginnings is to begin to address this much needed area.
It is our hope that you will help make this endeavor a huge success. This brochure has more information regarding our organization and if you would like to become more of a part of it, please call 631-806-2091, or e-mail us at You can also visit our web site at for more information. Learn more about how
New Beginnings Community Center was conceptulized
Thank you for your support!
Allyson Scerri, Executive Vice President